Offering a comprehensive and readily available range of medical services

General medical services
Edens Landing Doctors offers comprehensive range of general medical services
Skin clinic
We offer the most advanced,
results-driven treatments
results-driven treatments
Shops 10 & 11
125 -127 Castile Crescent, Edens Landing, QLD 4207
125 -127 Castile Crescent, Edens Landing, QLD 4207
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Welcome to Edens Landing Doctors
About Us
About Us

Offering a comprehensive and readily available range of medical services from our premises on Castile Crescent, Edens Landing.
Our friendly staff are waiting and ready to provide you with quality care in comfortable surroundings.
You can either call to book or come in and see our lovely team to make an appointment.

Dr. Dewan Feroze
Male Practitioner
Chronic disease management, preventive health, mental health, child health, Indigenous health and skin cancer medicine and surgery.
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Dr. Murtaza Ali Akbar
Male Practitioner
Mental Health, Skin Cancer medicine, Travel medicine, Women's Health, Paediatrics and Geriatrics.
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Dr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh
Male Practitioner
Diagnosis and treatment of Skin cancer, chronic health conditions and kids health.
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Dr. Sumreen Amar
Female Practitioner
Skin cancer management, Womens health, Paediatrics, General practice, General Family Medicine, Mirena Insertion/Implanon insertion, Skin cancer surgery, Toe nail surgeries, CDM like T2DM, COPD, Cosmetics treatment and general Dermatology condition.
Dr. Shahla Rafiei
Female Practitioner
Dr. Rafiei is particularly interested in Women’s health, Refugee health care, General medicine and Cardiology.
Dr. Danish Noorani
Male Practitioner
Chronic Disease Management, Paediatric Care, Geriatric Care and Palliative Care.
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